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Daily Calculations

Monthly processes

We have 2 Separate months (Financial and Trading) sharing one period so lets look at Period 1:

It has a Financial Period start Date of 1 March 00:00:00

It has a Financial Period End Date of 31 March 23:59:59

But you may run behind on processing some of the information for that period therefore you may wish to set a Trading End Date of 15 April 23:59:59. The trading date does not relate to the dates that transactions can be processed between, but it relates to when the specified period is managed as well as providing an alternative date to process custom code.

Monthly processes are run every day in the morning, this will trigger various events facilitating a more maintenance free environment.

These events include:

Year End

This process will create one new financial year if today is the last day or greater than the last day of period 12.  If you have already created a new year this event trigger will not execute. 

Open Period

This process will unblock the next financial period, if today is the last day of the current financial period, for processing. This will only happen if the Financial Calendar Auto Unblock (7243) is set in system settings.

Block Period

This process will block the previous financial period, if today is the first day after the related trading period date, for processing. This will only happen if the Financial Calendar Auto Block (7244) is set in system settings.

Custom Code

We can develop custom code processes specific for your company. If you are interested in getting custom code please contact our staff regarding a quote.
Examples of customisation that can be made for your company are:

sending out emails/SMSs to a group of people based on the data stored in the database (current balance, last purchase, etc.) on a specific date,
automatically sending out statements on a specific date, calculating custom values that are important to your business, Creating and maintaining custom reports which are fully integrated with our reporting module