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Author: kate


Navigating to communication will show a Filter widget where you can Filter according to date, sent and received. Once filtering you will get a list including all the filtered information. In the list you can see Debtor, Creditor, To Date, Subject, Delivery Method, and more. To add a new communication navigate to the New tab. […]

Stock Take

Stock take is an assessment and record of the amount of stock held your business. To find Stock Take navigate to Inventory, Stock Take is the last tab. Clicking on the Stock Take tab will take you to an overlay tab, where you can create a new Stock Take (by pressing the + in the […]

Daily Calculations

Monthly processes We have 2 Separate months (Financial and Trading) sharing one period so lets look at Period 1: It has a Financial Period start Date of 1 March 00:00:00 It has a Financial Period End Date of 31 March 23:59:59 But you may run behind on processing some of the information for that period […]

Point of Sale

The PFIM point of sale opens an invoicing platform to facilitate your front office in handling cash, card, credit along with a range of other interactions that can be customised for your site. Point-Of-Sale Choose a Dispatch Branch and Debtor, and then you can add stock to the order by clicking on the stock item. […]


Here you will find all the tips, tricks and troubleshooting you may need when using the PFIM V5 Program. If [Enter] doesn’t work press [Tab]. When the Filter automatically comes up, if you are not wanting to filter you must leave the filer as is and click Filter NOT the x in the top corner. […]

General Ledger

The List tab gives you a list of all your General Ledger Accounts at all your branches. Detail If you click on an account in the List tab it will take you to the Detail tab. The Detail tab shows you all the details of a specific account. It also shows you the transaction history […]

General Ledger Calendar

To get to the calendar, you navigate to Configuration > General Ledger > Calendar. The calendar shows a default of 12 periods at a time, this can be changed by selecting the drop down and choosing your preferred option. The calendar has ID, Period, Branch, Period End Date (end of financial period), Alternate Period (end […]


On selecting Inventory you will be able to filter stock. List Once you’ve filtered it will show a list of stock that fall under the filter requirements you’ve selected. You can edit the number of records per page, on Inventory the default is set to 10.You can see the records you are viewing, for example, below […]