On selecting Suppliers you get the first page list of suppliers.
The number of records per page can be edited, on Suppliers the default is set to 10.
You can see the records you are viewing, for example, below is showing that I am on Page 2 with 10 results per page, showing results 11 to 20 of 22.

You can change records per page by selecting the dropdown, and selecting an option.
Selecting the filter at the bottom of the page allows you to search for a part of a field or select from a list as appropriate.

For example, if you enter Software into the Name field of the filter and select Filter, it will include PBS Software Holdings as part of it’s results list.
Under Status you can opt to search for existing, potential or archived Suppliers in the list.

The New tab allows you to add additional suppliers. If you only have one branch or access to one branch it will be selected for you. Supplier name should be the name of the supplier that will be used for purchase orders and request for quotations. You can enter a unique Supplier Code or click Generate for the system to propose a unique one.

The Tab Bar at the top of each supplier master file will allow you to look at additional details having the ability to specify details required for the supplier. You will see different tabs based on your user access.

Contacts shows all Contacts associated with this supplier with quick links to launch them.
Activity shows all changes made to this supplier by whom and when. This is the audit log of the selected customer.
Service Desk shows all Service Desk calls associated with the selected customer with quick links to launch them.
Communication shows all previous communication sent out that related directly to this creditor, as well as the contact to whom it was sent and if you have access who sent it.
Transactions shows all supplier invoicing and payments relating to a specific supplier with Matching and aging for selected transactions.
Details this shows all additional details relating to a creditor usually used for custom data storage.
Confidential if you have access you may see this tab. It can hold all sorts of private information like banking details.