A bill of materials or BOM or is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies, sub-components, parts, and the quantities of each needed to manufacture a finished product. PFIM uses BOM’s in invoicing as well as Job Cards we also allow them to be used to create parts on a quotation, supplier quotation or supplier purchase order. To create or […]
Tag: Stock
Stock Take
Stock take is an assessment and record of the amount of stock held your business. To find Stock Take navigate to Inventory, Stock Take is the last tab. Clicking on the Stock Take tab will take you to an overlay tab, where you can create a new Stock Take (by pressing the + in the […]

On selecting Inventory you will be able to filter stock. List Once you’ve filtered it will show a list of stock that fall under the filter requirements you’ve selected. You can edit the number of records per page, on Inventory the default is set to 10.You can see the records you are viewing, for example, below […]